Community Engagement Opportunities
To develop a shared vision of future transit opportunities throughout North Harnett, a robust stakeholder and public engagement process will be conducted for this Study. Throughout the Study, we will seek public input on the desire and demand for transit throughout the study area and feedback on the potential transit solutions to meet those demands. The Study will collect public input through various promotional and outreach techniques designed to reach the diverse community that lives, works, and travels through the study area including pop-up events, online surveys, public meetings, and more.
Engagement Goals
To deliver a successful public engagement process, the Study set goals to measure the success of engagement efforts. These goals were developed with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization's (CAMPO) Public Participation Plan in mind, which states, “CAMPO seeks to provide opportunities in the transportation planning process to interested parties, as well as engage and involve members of the community who have not been traditionally involved.” The Study’s public engagement goals are to:
Educate stakeholders and the public about the North Harnett Transit Study.
Provide educational information about transit to stakeholders and the public to ensure they make informed decisions.
Proactively provide updates and information through various methods to increase reach.
Offer convenient opportunities to provide input through both virtual and in-person means (if possible).
Establish strong relationships with stakeholders through open and responsive communication.
Check Back
for Opportunities
Our Phase 1 Online Survey is now closed. Click the link below to review the summary report on what we heard from the community.
Phase 1 Community Engagement Report
Check back later this fall for additional engagement opportunities and information.

Event Schedule
To encourage public participation in the development of this Study, allow for meaningful dialogue with communities, and provide opportunities for the public to learn about the study recommendations and provide input, pop-up events and public meetings will be hosted throughout the Study. Please check back frequently for information on upcoming events and meetings.
Presentations and other meeting materials can be found under Study Documents.
Upcoming Events
No events currently scheduled. Check back in the Fall for Phase Two of engagement with the community!